Build With Us

This page is a dedicated resource for industry to seek out open bid opportunities, register as a vendor and access Austin Transit Partnership's vendor portal.

Austin Light Rail is underway! Austin Transit Partnership initiated procurement of the multibillion-dollar final design and construction contract it plans to award next year.

Recently Released RFI

As a first step in the procurement process, ATP released a request for information (RFI) for industry feedback on the project’s largest procurement, which will seek partners to provide design and construction services for the project’s transitway, tracks, systems, stations, bridges, traffic signals, utilities, drainage structures and streetscape.

The early engagement is designed to strengthen competition for the opportunity and provide potential partners with more information to assemble the best teams in their pursuit of the work. Businesses have until March 19 to provide feedback to the RFI.

The Request for Qualifications is expected to follow in June, and ATP expects to award the contract in 2026.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program

The primary goal and objective of the DBE program is to level the playing field. We provide small businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals a fair opportunity to compete for federally funded transportation contracts.

DBE regulations require state and local transportation agencies that receive federal financial assistance to establish goals for the participation of DBEs. Our department reviews the scopes of anticipated large prime contracts throughout the year and establishes contract-specific DBE subcontracting goals.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program

Who is eligible to be a DBE?

For-profit, small businesses are eligible to be a DBE if socially and economically disadvantaged individuals own at least a 51% interest and control and manage daily business operations. African American, Hispanic/Latino/a, Native American, Asian-Pacific and Subcontinent Asian Americans, and women are presumed to be socially and economically disadvantaged; other individuals can also qualify as socially and economically disadvantaged on a case-by-case basis.

DBE Certification

The Texas Unified Certification Program (TUCP) for the Federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Programs in Texas. ATP will accept DBE certifications from the TUCP members listed:

  • City of Austin
  • City of Houston
  • Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority
  • North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency
  • South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency
  • Texas Department of Transportation

More Questions About The DBE Process?

More questions about the DBE process? Visit the DBE Program page

Bid Opportunities

Please Register as a vendor with ATP and review our current opportunities by visiting PlanetBids.

Contact Info

Brad Cummings, Senior Vice President, Procurement & Contract Management
Erick Wilkes, Vice President, Small & Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
Keisha L. Gash, Manager, DBE Compliance