Purple, rectangular design element for Light Rail banner image.
High Res Rendering of Light Rail Station
Green, rectangular design element
Purple, rectangular design element for Light Rail banner image.
High Res Rendering of Light Rail Station
Green, rectangular design element
Bus icon

What's the Plan for Austin Light Rail Phase 1?

Austin Transit Partnership is working to expand and improve Austin's public transportation network by building light rail.
Read ATP's staff recommendation for the initial phase of light rail:

Green divider
Green section divider for mobile devices
Chat Bubble Icon

Frequently Asked Questions

Austin Transit Partnership Data Portal

This data informed the development of the five light rail options presented to the public in March 2023. The Austin Light Rail Data Portal is under development and is designed to provide information used in the planning process such as data sets, links to externally hosted data sets, and insights on how to use them.
Light Rail Transit Rendering for 3rd and Congress location

Light Rail Transit Insight Review

In March 2023, ATP commissioned a peer city review to collect insights and aid the development of the light rail implementation plan. The Project Connect: Light Rail Transit Insight Review resulted in five key insights presented to ATP.

For more information about Project Connect, visit: www.projectconnect.com